This site is rarely updated. Please review JORBA for the most updated information about Mercer and SMART


05 January 2012 SMART/JORBA has posted it's 2012 Trail Maintenance Schedule

SMART/JORBA redefined the scope of the 2004 Bridge Grant to purchase three Trailhead Kiosks for Mercer County Park The purchase was made in early January 2010 The Park installed the kiosks in late August 2010. We are looking forward to working with the park to develop a composite map of the entire park. The off road trails, paved paths and all available facilities

29 January 2010 SMART/JORBA has posted it's 2010 Trail Maintenance Schedule


27 January 2009 SMART/JORBA has posted it's 2009 Trail Maintenance Schedule

SMART/JORBA redefined the scope of the 2004 Bridge Grant to purchase three Trailhead Kiosks for Mercer County Park


2008 MCPC begins it's Volunteers in Parks program

SMART/JORBA has a new website

27 February 2008 SMART/JORBA has posted it's 2008 Trail Maintenance Schedule

SMART 2007

06 January 2007 SMART has posted it's 2007 Trail Maintenance Schedule

SMART rebuilds several bridges in the park

SMART 2006

SMART and Mercer County Park have been the victim's of vandalism again! This time the vandal's have destroyed bridge decking on two of the park bridges. The bridges are located near Conover road on the Blue trail in the northern portion of the park. The Park officials have been made aware of the damage and have promised to prosecute the vandals when they are caught.

SMART has a new e-mail address:

SMART 2005 A Year of Growth
SMART added 17 new members in 2005. This brings membership list to 52 This increase in active membership allows SMART to tackle larger projects in the Park. Please join us and give a few hours of love to the trails you ride!

SMART receives REI Trail Stewardship Tool Kit
SMART is one of 100 Trail Maintenance Groups in the country to receive a Trail Maintenance Tool Kit from REI. $500.00 worth of Tools, Garments and Literature to be used in the repair and maintenance of trails in Mercer County Park.REI has been generous in there support of groups who Mountain Bike and maintain the trail systems they ride upon.

SMART/JORBA receives $15,000.00 DEP grant for bridges in Mercer County Park
August 31 2004 SMART/JORBA The Federal Highway Administration has approved a trail proposal under the Federal Recreational Trails Program for $15,000.00 to purchase and install bridging along sections of the 14 mile trail system in Mercer County Park. SMART/JORBA is to match the funding with $3,750.00 in Labor or Materials.

Leadership of SMART
SMART's Director is Mick Tormey. Mick is been very active in SMART and is a longtime member.

Email Mick for information about SMART or the Patrol.

SMART joins forces with new Mercer County Park Commission administration
SMART is pleased to be working closely with the new MCPC administration to make the off-raod trails at Mercer County Park even better. More details will be posted as they become available.

Other Events

National Trail Day June 2011
Check the Trail Maintenance page for activities.

National Public Lands Day, September 2011
Check the Trail Maintenance page for activities.

SMART Mailing Address
Please send any correspondence to:

PO Box 673
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550

Knapp's Cyclery Offers 10% discount to SMART members
Knapp's Cyclery is offering a 10% discount to SMART members on everything except bicycles. Just show your SMART membership card when you make your purchase. Knapp's Cyclery is also the new sponsor of the Mercer County Bicycle Patrol.
Knapp's Cyclery
A hearty THANK YOU to Knapp's Cyclery on behalf of all SMART members!